0 何凯文每日一句:2017考研英语第5句-考研辅导资料-考研辅导-时代博思·汕头橙啦-汕头考研培训·汕头公考辅导
联系电话:18924776010 肖老师
18125126010 陈老师




 对于中国学生来说,很多人在各种各样的考试当中都被英语所难倒,很多同学在考研的时候也因英语分数低而导致考研失败。2017考研的同学们为了避免这种情况,一定要尽早开启2017考研英语的复习。基础阶段,同学们主要搞定词汇、长难句和语法等基础知识。博思君每日给大家分享文都何凯文老师的句子,帮大家打好 2017考研英语的基础。以下是第5句:

  One study focused on, coincidentally, a playground fire pole, is particularly revealing. It was published in The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology and showed that parents cautioned their daughters about the dangers of the fire pole significantly more than they did their sons and were much more likely to assist them. But both moms and dads directed their sons to face their fears, with instruction on how to complete the task on their own.

  词汇突破:coincidentally 碰巧

  Revealing 发人深省

  Fire pole 游乐场滑杆

  Direct 要求

  Caution 担心

  解析:The study is particularly revealing.这项研究发人深省。

  with instruction on how to complete the task on their own. 最后的介词短语在翻译的时候可以翻译为一个句子:指导他们如何独立完成任务。

  参考译文:一项恰巧关注游乐场滑杆的研究,尤其发人深省。这篇发表在《应用发展心理学杂志》(The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology)上的文章显示,比起对儿子,父母更加担心女儿玩滑杆会遇到危险,而且更倾向于帮助她们。但父母都要求儿子直面恐惧,指导他们如何靠自己完成这项挑战。

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