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Article 25                

It seems that the Chinese government's push (推动)for mass entrepreneurship (大众创业)and innovation (万众创新)has been misunderstood (误解)as encouraging (鼓励)those dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur (创业家)to run (经营)their own business right away.

But in fact, the true spirit of mass entrepreneurship is to advocate (倡导)involvement (参与)in a venture (企业)that may foster(培养) innovative thinking rather than an explosive (爆炸性)growth in the number of business owners.

It's rarely the case that fresh (新来的)university graduates and dreamers are able to translate (转化)exciting business ideas into successful companies given (尽管)their insufficient (不充分)capital and human resources support.

It should be noted (注意)that the range (范围)of start-up friendly policies that have been rolled out (出台)have not lowered (降低)the cost of failure.

For the potential entrepreneurs who have a grand (宏大)vision (视野)but lack (缺乏)experience to turn it into reality, it would be much wiser to join (参加)promising (有希望)start-ups rather than charting (追踪)their own journeys.

Particularly in the Internet sector(产业), it's currently a golden time for prospective (未来的)entrepreneurs to jump onto the bandwagon (浪潮)of start-ups.

It is believed that the country's Internet sector is set to move up a gear (提速)in the coming years, with the latest announcement(宣布) of an action plan to implement (实施)the "Internet Plus" initiative(计划), which envisions (描绘)an integration (结合)of the Internet and traditional industries.

That said, not many of the job hunters searching for work online are readying (做好准备)themselves for a foray (冒险进入)into risky ventures.

Statistics from lagou.com, a job-hunting site serving the Internet industry, showed that among a total of 2 million job seekers who have signed up for the site so far, only a small portion (比例)have ever applied for (申请)openings (空缺职位)in non-listed(未上市), less-known Internet companies, while the majority of job seekers have fixed (盯)their eyes on well-known listed companies.

Therefore, it may be better to initially (开始)encourage people to start looking for jobs with start-ups (初创企业)when it comes to fostering (培育)growth in mass entrepreneurship in the country.

Compared to well-established (卓有建树)big companies, thriving (繁荣)start-ups can help ambitious (理想)people move up the career ladder (事业发展)more easily. Even if they bet on (下注)the wrong horse, the experiences they accumulate (积累)will still make them stand out(独特) from the crowd.

As for crowdfunded (众筹)coffeehouses that are being increasingly utilized (利用)by prospective entrepreneurs as a meeting ground for fostering business ideas, I would say that they are not suitable (合适)for an expansion (扩展)across the country, at least not for the time being.

This idea of crowdfunded cafés came to the spotlight (聚光灯)after Premier Li Keqiang's visit earlier this year to Beijing's Zhongguancun Innovation Street where he was spotted (看见)sipping (品尝)a beverage (饮品)at 3W Coffee, the mainland's first crowdfunded café, which also operates as a business incubator(孵化器).

While such ideas are a good fit (适配器)for cites like Beijing and Shenzhen in South China's Guangdong Province where there is an overall (整体)positive sentiment (感觉)toward start-ups, it is difficult to popularize (普及)them in smaller cities of the country, the third- and fourth-tier (三四线)cites in particular. The same applies to (适用于)the push for creating mass entrepreneurship in the country.

The article was compiled (整理)by Global Times reporter Li Qiaoyi based on (根据)an interview with Bao Aile, co-founder (联合创始人)of 3W Coffee. She is currently chief marketing officer of lagou.com.

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