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Article 23

Part IIIContinued).     

10. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation(嬗变): Choose a compatible (合拍)partner.

Sexual energy is an incredibly (难以置信)powerful human energy — it creates physical(身体) life and develops emotional(情感) life, and when it is harnessed(利用) and redirected(重新定位), it can enhance (增进)our creativity, passion, enthusiasm, and persistence, all which are crucial in accumulating (积累)wealth, Hill says:

Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire, men develop keenness(锐利) of imagination, courage, willpower, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times.

Love, romance, and sex are all emotions capable of (能够)driving men to heights of super achievement. When combined(结合(, these three emotions may lift (举)one to an altitude (高度)of genius(天才).

While this step may feel like a bit of a stretch(弹性), having a supportive partner is important to career success. Research also shows that having a conscientious (认真)spouse (对象)can boost (提升)your salary by $4,000 a year.

11. The Subconscious (下意识)Mind: Master (掌握)positivity and dismiss (驱逐)negative emotions.

If you truly want to be rich, you have to plant (安置)that desire, and then your plan, into your subconscious mind. Hill writes:

The subconscious mind will not remain idle(无用)! If you fail to plant desires in your subconscious mind, it will feed upon (滋养)the thoughts which reach it as the result of your neglect.

Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy (占据)the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate(主宰). It is your responsibility (义务)to make sure that positive emotions constitute (构成)the dominating influence of your mind.

If you want to be successful and grow rich, it is critical (重要)that the positive emotions dominate any negative ones that arise, Hill says. He was on to something(在理): Today, research shows that positive, happier people are more likely to perform (表现)better at their jobs and are less likely to be unemployed.


12. The Brain: Associate with other smart people and learn from them.

Our brain is a "transmitter (发射器)and receiver (接收器)of thought vibrations(波动)" — it absorbs (吸收)thoughts from other individuals surrounding us, making it even more important to associate with (交往)intelligent, creative, and positive individuals. Hill writes:

Every human brain is capable of picking up (接收)vibrations of thought which are being released (释放)by other brains ...

The Creative Imagination is the "receiving set" of the brain, which receives thoughts released by the brains of others.

This principle is simply application (应用)of the Master Mind principle. It takes it one step further — rather than just surrounding yourself with people who are smarter and better, use the members of your group to find solutions to problems or brainstorm(集中) ideas. Hill calls this "blending (混合)of several minds into one," and suggests sitting down with a small group of people and diving (潜入)deep into the problem at hand.

13. The Sixth Sense: Trust your gut(直觉).

The final principle — the "sixth sense" — occurs (出现)only after you've mastered the other 12 principles. You'll experience a sort of mind-shift(脑力转移), Hill says: "Through the aid (助力)of the sixth sense, you will be warned of impending (来临(dangers in time to avoid them, and notified of (注意)opportunities in time to embrace (拥抱)them."

While this principle isn't the most straightforward — Hill admits (承认)it is generally not attained (获得)until age 40 — his basic claim (说法)is that your intuition (直觉)will change. You'll have achieved a level of wisdom that will allow you to start making smart financial and life decisions naturally.

Although it takes a while to master the final step, you can still get a lot out of the other 12 principles, Hill says:

No matter who you are, or what may have been your purpose in reading this book, you can profit (获益)by it without understanding the principle described in this chapter. This is especially true if your major purpose is that of accumulation of money or other material things.

The chapter on the sixth sense was included, because the book is designed for the purpose of presenting (呈现)a complete philosophy by which individuals may unerringly (无偏误)guide themselves in attaining whatever they ask of life.

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