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Article 22

Part II (Continued).          

6. Organized planning: Take action.

    Once you've visualized your success, you need to take action and go after exactly what you want. You must act with persistence (坚持)and enthusiasm(热忱). Hill explains:

    Opportunity has spread its wares before you. Step up to the front, select what you want, create your plan, put the plan into action, and follow through with persistence.

    Most of us are good "starters" but poor "finishers" of everything we begin. Moreover, people are prone to (易于)give up at the first signs of defeat(挫折). There is no substitute(替代) for persistence.

    For instance, if you're looking to build wealth, start with forming(做) a financial plan, and determine (明确)exactly where you want your money to go.

7. Decision: Defeat procrastination(犹豫) with decisiveness(决断).

    A key trait (特质)Hill recognized in all of the individuals he studied who acquired great wealth was decisiveness. Those who settle on (形成)decisions quickly know what they want, and they tend to get what they want. He writes:

    People who fail to accumulate money, without exception(例外), have the habit of reaching decisions, if at all, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often.

    Decisiveness is not just a trait of the wealthy, but one of the most important qualities a leader needs to possess(具备). At the end of the day, making a bad decision is better than making no decision at all.

8. Persistence: Don't stop until you get what you want.

    Persistence is crucial (关键)when trying to accumulate wealth, yet few people possess the willpower (意志力)required to turn their desire for money into actual money. Hill writes:

    Riches do not respond to (应对)wishes. They respond only to definite plans, backed by definite desires, through constant persistence.

    The most successful people tend to have dealt with(应付), and overcome(克服), failure. "I've learned that it doesn't matter how many times you failed," Mark Cuban told Smart Business. "You only have to be right once. I tried to sell powdered (粉)milk. I was an idiot(白痴) lots of times, and I learned from them all."

9. Power of the Master Mind(智多星): Surround yourself with the best.

    The wealthiest people create a "Master Mind," meaning they surround themselves with talented(天赋) friends and colleagues who share their vision(愿景). The alignment (聚合)of several smart and creative minds is exponentially (按倍数)more powerful than just one, Hill explains:

    No individual may have great power without availing (获得)himself of the "Master Mind"

    A group of brains coordinated (合作)in a spirit of harmony (和谐)will provide more thought-energy (思维能量)than a single brain, just as a group of electric batteries (电池)will provide more energy than a single battery.

    This may explain why rich people tend to make friends with other rich people. "Exposure to (接触)people who are more successful than you are has the potential (潜力)to expand your thinking and catapult (快速增长)your income," writes self-made millionaire Steve Siebold. "We become like the people we associate with(交往), and that's why winners are attracted to winners."

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