0 2017.12大学英语六级真题作文——互相帮助-四六级-在职提升-时代博思·汕头橙啦-汕头考研培训·汕头公考辅导
联系电话:18924776010 肖老师
18125126010 陈老师






With the development and progress of the society, our government has paid great attention on constructing a harmonious society. To my way of thinking, it needs the joint efforts of every citizen to achieve this great goal.  

As a nation renowned in the world for many of its virtues, our Chinese people have been practicing mutual help throughout the history. Just as the saying goes: “Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need.” To put it simply, those who are always ready to help others will certainly get a lot more back when they are in need of help, for everything in this world is mutual. Suppose once you were helped by a warm-hearted person, you would definitely feel grateful. Next time when someone else is in need of the same help as you, will you stand by and do nothing? Absolutely not!  

 I do hope that every one of us can bear in mind that actions speaks louder than words. After all, it is easier said than done. Only by practicing practical actions of mutual help, can our society be full of love and become more harmonious. 


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