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联系电话:18924776010 肖老师
18125126010 陈老师




  1. 这幅漫画揭示了不关注环境这一普遍现象,这是发人深省的。

  The cartoon reveals the common phenomenon of paying no attention to the environment, which is very thought-provoking.

  2. 尽管政府已经采取措施解决问题,但是个人也应该关注自身行为。

  Although the government has taken measures to handle the problem, individuals should pay attention to their personal behaviour.

  3. 不管问题多么困难,政府、企业和个人应该联合努力克服问题。

  No matter how difficult the problem is, the government, enterprises and individuals should combine their efforts to overcome it.

  4. 普遍认为,应该采取许多措施解决问题。

  That many steps should be taken to solve the problem is commonly accepted.

  5. 这一现象为何会出现是一个将要讨论的问题。

  Why the phenomenon has emerged is a question to be discussed.

  6. 明智的是政府立法使之得到控制。

  It is advisable that the government should legislate to bring it under control.

  7. 首先要考虑的一个重要原因是随着社会和经济的发展,越来越多的人选择出国旅游。

  The first important reason to be taken into account is that with the society and economy developing, an increasing number of people choose to travel abroad.

  8. 目前,随着生活水平的不断提升,越来越多的人喜欢待在国外度假。

  Currently, with living standard continuously improving, a growing number of people enjoy staying abroad for holiday.

  9. 电脑游戏对学生的学习造成不良影响,原因在于电脑游戏耗费时间和精力。

  Computer games exert disadvantageous influence on students’ study due to the fact that computer games are time-consuming and energy-consuming.

  10. 采取有效措施抑制这一情况是紧急的。

  Taking effective measures to curb this situation is urgent.

  11. 我们必须解决问题以便我们可以创建一个和谐的社会。

  We must have the problem solved so that we can construct a harmonious society.

  12. 随着日用品价格的不断上涨,越来越多的人抱怨自己的低收入。

  With the prices of daily goods ever rising, an increasing number of people complain about their low income.

  13. 如果没有法律法规,我们将会生活在混乱之中。

  Without rules and regulations, we would live in a state of chaos.

  14. 我们早就应该采取措施解决图画反映的问题了。

  It is high time that we took actions to solve the problem mirrored by the picture.

  It is high time that immediate steps were taken to have the problem mirrored by the chart solved.

  15. 只有这样,我们才能够解决图画所反映的问题。

  Only in this way can we solve the problem reflected by the picture.


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